How was 2021 from a Magento OpenSource perspective? 09 Feb 2021 (Version 2.4.2), 11 May 2021 (Version 2.4.2-p1), 10 Aug 2021 (Version 2.4.3) and 12 Oct 2021 (Version 2.4.3-p1) where released in 2021. So we had four releases in 2021. Is that enough? When you read through the release notes you will always find a sentence like this: This release includes over 35 security fixes and platform security improvements. All security fixes have been backported to Magento 2.4.1-p1 and Magento 2.3.6-p1. You
Magento2 Certified Professional Developer Notes How can plugins be skipped? If the around method does not call the callable, it will prevent the execution of all the plugins next in the chain and the original method call. You wrote data upgrade patch to delete one category and add another. What possible issues can occur? Foreign keys are disabled when startSetup() called. See \Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\MysqlstartSetup line 2884 CLI commands to update magento2 from 2.x.y to 2.x.z in prod
For a long time i was really really really very frustrated because of Docker, Magento2 and High Sierra. If you search for that you will find a lot of tutorials how to speed up your development environment. At the beginning the page load sometimes was over 1 minute, also when you know what to do this is a really long time to wait for a short test. Later after some Docker updates the waiting time get’s down to 20-30 seconds for one page load. And now i have page load times between 2 and 3 seconds
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Die offizielle Magento2 Online Documentation. Leider werden einige Themen im Detail nicht gründlich genug erklärt. Awesome Magento2 Link-List
Eine super Liste zu Tools und Content rund um Magento2 auf Github. Magento2 Tools mage2gen
mage2gen ist eine Webseite mit der die Basis-Strukturen eines neuen Moduls automatisiert zusammengeklickt werden können. Magento2 Tutorials Magento2 delivery date module creation
Gutes Tutorial welches erklärt wie Attribute per Setu
Im Magento2 Core findet man noch einige solcher Code-Stellen: <?php
$order = $clonedOrder;
$order->save(); Obwohl die save function von src/vendor/magento/framework/Model/AbstractModel.php deprecated ist (siehe hier) wird sie noch viel verwendet. Da stellt sich natürlich die Frage wie das nun im Magento2 in Zu